About us.

The Guilford Poll Hereford Stud is operated by the Davie Family trading as J P Davie & Co, and is located east of the town of Ouse, in Tasmania's Upper Derwent Valley.

 Our operation comprises of three properties, our main property "Guilford" and two properties west of Ouse.

 All up we run 180 Stud breeders and 380 pure Poll Hereford commercial breeders, plus replacements. We also endeavor to finish the majority of our steers to supermarkert or EU weights, and fodder crops are sown annually for this purpose. We sell approximately 35 two-year old bulls each year. A self replacing SAMM/Merino cross breeding ewe flock containing 1700 breeders plus replacements, for prime sucker lambs, and wool production, is also run.

 The Stud is 100% run on Guilford, along with some commercial cows, all young cattle, and all sheep. Our farm Camden is run as a cow/calf operation and all the calves go to Guilford at weaning. The other property is mainly used for running our commercial heifers.

 Our annual average rainfall at Guilford is about 450 -500mm, but would probably average closer to 400mm over the last 10 years. In 2006 we received only 12 inches, with our highest daily total only 18 mm. 

 The rainfall at our other properties although no further away than 20km in a straight line, is much higher, the westerly rain drops off quickly as you move east. The average at our Camden property which is northwest of Ouse, would be closer to 1000mm. This is mainly winter rainfall with the summers often hot & dry.